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Yes, that’s right!!! Cinderella and Ricky Bobby are coming home!!

In case it slipped your mind- In December of 2016, I had to find a great home for Cinderella and Ricky Bobby so I could rescue” HOPE,” my first off the track Thoroughbred Race Horse. Hope is now home and doing quite well. Unfortunately, the wonderful young lady who adopted Cinderella and Ricky Bobby from me can no longer keep them. So, home they come. I really am so excited! I have missed them dearly.

Which brings me to my next point. You have heard it takes “ A village to raise a child.” Well, it takes a lot of money to take care of five, yes I said five horses. (1) Fancy Pants- my beautiful palomino dream horse (2) Chance- Justin’s crazy horse that found himself homeless again (3) Hope- My sensitive, beautiful soul, off the track race horse (4) Cinderella- My slaughter rescue pony and (5) Ricky Bobby- My unexpected beautiful gift from God.

It is my goal to keep these five rescued horses happy and healthy and provide them with the love they deserve, while also putting money aside to open my rescue. If you are willing to make a monthly or one-time contribution to Annie’s Dream, you can help me to get the property I need to open my rescue. With my rescue I will be able to care for these five beautiful horses and so many more animals in need


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