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I need your help! If it is not in your heart to give to Annie’s Dream, it’s ok. I totally understand. There are so many needs out there and when I give, it has to be to something I am passionate about. So, if you decide not to give, please don’t feel uncomfortable the next time you see me. I will still love you all, and that’s why you are receiving this request.

I am asking for an ongoing monthly donation of $5.00 to $20.00 to my rescue Annie’s Dream. You can set it up through the Annie’s Dream Go Fund me page or the Annie’s Dream Pay Pal Account.

I hope you will join me in my adventure. If you ever want to visit my clan of five horses, two dogs, three cats, and five bunnies, just let me know.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart and God Bless!

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