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Take a Chance on Me

Meet Chance.

He is kind of a unique rescue.

This was my son Justin’s first horse when he was in high school about five years ago.

When he left for college, we had to give him back to the trainer we got him from

Chance had an incredible personality. Very clumsy, curious, and loving. He was just a big doof.

I often wondered what happened to him and after searching for some time, I found that he was owned by a wonderful lady who took great care of him.

But Chance was a handful and had learned to take advantage of her. This kind of behavior makes a horse like this very dangerous. He is huge and could do a lot of damage. She did not want him anymore and I was afraid he might go to someone who would do further damage.

He is not mean horse. He is just a very insecure horse.

So, I brought him home. After a few days, I turned him out in the arena and something scared him and he ran right through the fence and back to the safety of his stall.

Wow, I realized I was in way over my head. But GOD is good and he brought a wonderful young lady into my life who agreed to work with him. She is an amazingly talented horse woman. She figured out what he would respond to best, and he is well on his way to becoming a great horse.

This young lady is going to start adopting Wild Mustangs (which I will address in a future blog.)

I want to support her efforts anyway I can and look forward to seeing her do great things with these Mustangs that often go to slaughter because no one wants them.

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