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Meet Tator Tot

It's been awhile since I have posted anything, but I promise to be better and keep you up to date.

I HAVE NOT given up on Annie's Dream. It's just not a reality right now. I am doing what I can now, one animal at a time.

So to catch you up to speed, I want you to meet Tator Tot. One day I was missing my sweet Reggie, my wonderful Maltese, and so I went to the pound to find one. There was one there, but he really had no interest in me. I asked the kennel attendant if this dog had a good chance to getting adopted and he said absolutely. I then asked him if they had one that did not have a good chance to find a home and low and behold, I get another Chihuahua, and this time she is blind.

Oh but what a wonderful addition. She was beyond amazing. She was older and a few months later she had some life threatening seizures and had to be put to sleep.

I am so lucky to have had the time with her. She brought so much joy.

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